Memquisit to Warren Bay in West Arm of Lake Nipissing

Memquisit to Warren Bay Map

Warren Bay is approximately 3 miles from the lodge. The route to get there is a little tricky the first few times. Primary fish specie found in Warren Bay are; Walleye and Northern Pike. The bay is also home to many other species such as Musky, Jumbo Perch and Bass. Most of the bay including the mouth is fairly deep with weeded edges. This usually makes it and ideal candidate to target late summer deep structure walleye.

Map Legend:

Depth are in meters (ex 6.4 or 8 or5.2, the larger number represents main value the second represents the decimal value)

Tan (gold or yellow) represents Land. Dark Blue shallow water 2 meters or less. Light Blue represents waters between 2 to 5 meters. White represents waters 5 meters or more in depth

Anywhere on the map you see (05) or (0) is a shallow area or rocky area.

All stars or plus sign with 4 dots indicates submerges rocks

The R attributed with a depth value means rocks submerged at represented depth

Ideal Time of Year to Fish West Arm of Lake Nipissing

Walleye: From opening in mid May to Mid August

Northern Pike: From opening in mid May to closing mid October

Bass (largemouth and small mouth): From its opening 4th Saturday of June to mid September

Musky: From its opening in mid June to end July and Mid September to end of October